Conservation Areas & Listed Buildings

We are frequently asked for advice on replacing timber windows and doors in properties which are either in a conservation area or which are listed. In the vast majority of cases, our customers are wanting to replace old single-glazed windows with new energy-efficient double-glazed windows. Whilst there are no hard and fast rules governing these circumstances, here is what we have found from experience;

Conservation Areas

Generally speaking, provided a customer is intending to replace their windows and doors with very similar-looking (timber) windows and doors, there is rarely a problem and double-glazed replacements are acceptable. The fenestration and glass-sizes need to be kept broadly in-line with the existing arrangement if original or revert back to a ‘local style’ if this has been lost through an earlier change. We can help with this by specifying the windows to give the best ‘kerb-side ‘appearance whilst offering all of the benefits of high-performance timber double-glazing.

Listed Buildings

This is a much more complex area which usually involves obtaining planning permission and is subject to several factors, including; the reason for the listing (is it relevant to the windows), the attitude of the local Planning Authority to double-glazing per se (some won’t entertain the idea irrespective of how close it will look to the original windows) and the attitude of the individual case officer dealing with it. We have solutions such as narrow-gap double-glazed units that satisfy some planning authorities and of course we can install new single-glazed timber windows as a last resort. For these projects, we will support customers’ applications with drawings, technical data and photos as required. The one thing that seems to make the biggest difference is the appeal process and we have seen many negative responses turned around on appeal – so don’t give up at the first hurdle!


No need to paint for up-to 10-years.

30 Year Warranty

Against rot and fungal decay.*

* on most products


To perfectly suit your home.


who take pride in their work.

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